Kai Gilbert, CEO of imc Test & Measurement, recently conducted an interview with German online magazine "Wirtschaftsforum". The website aims to introduce business on a personal level.
Here, the imc Managing Director presents imc Test & Measurement as a company in which talented and ambitious engineers find an appreciative and professionally attractive working environment characterized by many years of development expertise. Even when it comes to demanding questions in physics, the company is committed to offering customers a comprehensive hardware and software solution from a single source. This is confirmed by the fact that "... there [probably] is not be an automotive manufacturer that does not work with one of our devices," Gilbert stated.
With the comprehensive core competence in the entire measurement technology that has been built up over the years, Kai Gilbert underlined the claim of imc to offer the broadest range of physical measurement systems within the measurement technology industry. Furthermore, it is the goal of imc to always support innovation. Today, "many aspects have long been an essential part of imc measurement technology that is only now coming into focus", he said.
With the sale of imc Test & Measurement to a US investor, Kai Gilbert sees greater opportunities for the company on the world market.
The full text of the interview is available in German on the Wirtschaftsforum website.