Rail vehicle and train testing
On the right track with railway-specific measurement from imc
Measurement technology in the railway sector faces its own special challenges: decentralized, distributed and synchronous data acquisition over thousands of channels – both inside and outside the rail vehicle – as well as direct reading of industry-specific bus systems, such as the Multifunction Vehicle Bus (MVB).
Engineers in the railway sector demand robust and durable measurement hardware systems which, supported by intelligent interaction with software solutions, deliver real-time results and allow the user to easily create reports and analyses.
For more than 20 years, imc Test & Measurement GmbH has been creating tailored products and solutions that meet these high demands of rail vehicle and train testing; from the development phase of a rail vehicle through prototype testing, performance acceptance tests, investigations for improvements and routine monitoring during operation, to tests performed on the tracks and other infrastructure.
Expertise in stationary applications
- Structural testing of components (e.g., wheels, bogies, railroad car bodies)
- Structural analysis of the complete train
- Structural tests on railway tracks
- Structural analysis of inter-carraige bridges
- Air-pressure measurement in tunnels
- Testing noise barriers
- Pantograph tests (on test stands and mobile)
Your benefit - our goal
- Direct import of railway bus system signals such as MVB
- Robust measurement equipment designed to withstand the stress and strain applied to rail vehicles
- Decentralized measurement - effective, flexible and reliable
- Fast and secure measurement results using imc CRONOSflex and imc STUDIO
- Saving time - real-time calculations by the measurement system itself
- TEDS-capability - automated sensor integration
- All measurement devices are network- and synchronization-capable
- All imc systems are software-configurable
- User-customized expansions
- One-stop shop for efficient measurement solutions - throughout the whole testing cycle