Test stand automation and system integration

Having a team of engineers from different disciplines, as well as physicists, mathematicians, chemists and computer scientists ensures that your measurement problems will be solved with the highest competence. This includes the full spectrum of consulting and specific application measurement, data analysis and management, all the way to complete turn-key solutions.
Working in close cooperation with our customers, we are available to provide support on anything from individual tasks, up to helping with the entire testing process.
We provide measurement solutions for a wide variety of test stand applications and areas:
- Standard test stands, Standard solutions
- Individual test stands
- Heterogeneous test stand environments
- Test fields/arrays
Standard solutions
- Test stands for electric motors
- Welding device testing
- Clamping force measurement in the vehicle and on the test bench
- Upgrading engine dynamometers
- Peak pressure monitoring on I/C engines
- Video acquisition
- More application examples... (Link to Application Area)
Individual test stands
- From consultation to final acceptance
- Measurement Engineering
- Foreign device integration
- Test sequence control
- Data analysis
- Automation
- Regulation and control
- Data management
- IT integration
- Mechanical, electric test stand construction
Heterogeneous test stand environments correspond to individual test stands. However, they are also comprised of a variety of connected and communicating subsystems, such as automation systems, control devices, regulators, etc.
Test fields/arrays are a result of the connection of multiple test stands. In this type of configuration, the system integration requirements have exceeded the capabilities of the heterogeneous test stand environment and are characterized by the following central features:
- Distributed process visualization (multi-monitoring)
- Centralized data storage
- Central test stand, test procedure and test administration
- Networked
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